Fish 3
Egg 1
Onion 2 paragraph
2 spoons of cooking wine
1 spoonful of salt
2 tablespoons of paprika
Prepare three fish.
Cut the fish to cut into small segments.
Onion shredded.
Ginger cut ginger.
Garlic garlic.
Put the chopped fish in onion ginger.
Add a spoonful of salt.
Add appropriate amount of wine, two spoons of paprika.
Pickled with fish grips evenly for 20 to 40 minutes.
Marinated fish, we take it separately.
Eggs are dispersed, stir evenly.
Prepare half bowl starch.
Wrap the marinated fish on the right amount of egg.
Then a layer of starch is wrapped.
The oil is hot, and the fire is slowly fried.
Fried to the fish two-sided golden ripe lotion.
Pack can be enjoyed.
Finished product.

Last modified: September 27, 2021
